How To Deposit Money To Gamespk

Depositing in Games PK is very easy. You can also Payment money in Games PK through EasyPaisa Jazzcash and Back account. You must have an EasyPaisa Jaaz Cash bank account. You can deposit a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 25 thousand in Games PK.

How To Deposit Money To Gamespk
  • Open: First of all, open the Games PK app.
  • Button: Click on the deposit button.
  • Payment Method: A new window will open, now you will be asked if you want to Payment money from your EasyPaisa Jazz cash account.
  • Amount: Now select the amount you want to Payment.
  • Account Number: Now enter your account number.
  • OTP: An OTP will come to your number and enter it on it.
  • Transferred: Open the app from which you are Payment money and enter your Pin, your money will be transferred to Games PK in a few seconds.
  • Minimum: The minimum amount you can Payment is 100.
  • Maximum: You can Payment a maximum of 25,000 into it.